digital splatter

Parsons School of design thesis 2007

Monday, February 05, 2007

so its been a long time since the last update and much has improved and changed. Since the winter break i have been working with high school students helping them prepare for the first robotics competition. After a few weeks of teaching and working with children at the High school of Computer and Technology ideas of how to implement an open source thesis began to emerge.

After seeing the interest in robotics paired with conditions and limitations of this school i began to think up basic do it your self engineering kits for kids. A way to learn basic concepts with out being limited to expensive parts. As the weeks went by i noticed how much cardboard the school threw away and integrated that into the development of this project. Essentially i want to make make kits with several guide lines.
1. Be totally free and accessible to any one with internet access and a 8x11 printer. ( see all the open source stuff below)
2. Be able to be constructed buy the user cheaply with glue a knife and found materials.
3. inform the students with information printed on the template to place it in context and historical/present application. (have a lesson plan for the parts)
3. Create a new outlet for cognitive learners that challenges traditional teaching methods with a hands on approach. (also researching tactics for teaching mildly learning disabled children to widen use)


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